Thursday, August 5, 2010

What did you do all day?

A man comes home from a long day at work to find his wife's mini van parked in the driveway with all the doors open. There are car seats thrown inside, a diaper bag full of dirty clothes and trash in the front seat and 17 grocery bags full of groceries still in the back.

As he walks up the stairs onto the deck he finds a box of tissues completely torn apart and EVERY tissue shredded into tiny little pieces. The hose is running in the back yard spraying water and mud everywhere and the kid's toys are scattered amongst the muddy mess.

When he enters the house he finds dirty laundry piled up on the washing machine and steps on an unwrapped twinkie. As he tries to take his dirty shoes off he realizes that the television is turned up as loudly as it will go and is playing Barney's "love song."

The kitchen sink was piled high with dirty dishes and pots and pans were still on the stove with crusted on oatmeal and spaghetti sauce in the pots. The dishwasher was overflowing with clean AND dirty dishes mixed and there was an open box of cheerios spilled on the floor.

As he proceeded down the hallway he could hear giggling coming from the kid's rooms. They were still in their pajamas and were jumping as high as they could on their beds. He couldn't see the floors because they were covered in empty candy wrappers and broken toys. The kids screamed "HEY DAD!" as he passed by.

The man started looking franticly for his wife who he assumed must have been kidnapped or was ill in bed. As he rounded the corner he peeked into the bathroom to look for his wife and noticed that the bathtub was overflowing and the toilet was clogged. No wife.

He finally came to their master bedroom where he found her laying on the bed in her pajamas. As he looked closer he saw a cup of tea on the night stand, a candle flickering on the bureau, and he realized that she was blogging on the laptop. He quickly asked if she was ok and she replied, "You know how you come home every day and ask me 'what did you do today?' Well, today I didn't do it!"

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