Sunday, July 25, 2010


These cute pictures of Mia were taken a few weeks ago when she discovered what Tom's MP3 player did! He had just come inside from mowing the lawn and was wearing it, so she decided to climb into his lap and explore the little machine. He turned the music on and immediately smiled with delight! She was thrilled to think that such a little thing could play such pretty music! She sat in Tom's lap for quite a while! Innocent enough, right?

Yes, I thought they were pretty cute too (especially since she was wearing her cowgirl dress up clothes) but then I found this picture online... and I was deeply disturbed!

I'm not sure what the purpose of this photo was, but I saw this beautiful baby in the womb so I clicked on it. I then realized what it was doing! I know this isn't real, but it seems to be close to reality now. Who knows, maybe by 2020 all babies in the womb will have their own sound systems and you could have a mini tv implanted into the placenta!

Don't you laugh! I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happens!!

I can't believe the amount of children walking around with cell phones, iPods, laptops and other various forms of technology now a days. Tom and I don't even own a cell phone... I know, we're just cheap! I cannot imagine buying one for my kids!

Maybe some day I'll come around to enjoy and appreciate all those little technological gadgets and gizmos, but for now I'll live simply with my little land line phone, radio, and laptop. Who knows, maybe by 2020 I'll even own a cell phone, iPod or MacBook!


  1. I struggle with this same issue Nicole. My 4 year old step son can run an iphone, his own portable DVD player, and every video game known to man (all purchased my his mother)yet doesnt know the difference between letters and numbers! Doesnt know how to spell or even recognize his own name! And cant pronounce his full name! We work with him like crazy on these things, but the truth is, we only have him every other weekend and its not enough. We do not allow video games or ipods, and limit tv time to half hour a day right before bed (if at all) and only educational shows!

    With Natalie the same rules will apply. However, I do think it is important for children to get exposed to these things, because honestly it is taking over the world, the fundamentals of learning and life need to be accomplished first! And unfortuneatley a lot of children are lacking those skills because its easy for parents to throw their kids in front of a TV or video game. So sad. John and I have already discussed these "techy" issues, and computer time will be half hour a day(for us as well when she starts to understand), cell phone not till she in or even out of high school.

    Oh and NOT having a cell phone is a great thing Nicole! =) Good for you guys. You are doing a great job raising your kiddos! They are smart
    and happy! What else could you even want? =)


  2. none of us here have cells. I keep thinking maybe --maybe once Zeke has his license. Still not sure. He might just get by with one of those pay as you go deals.

    I can't stand that most children --up to teens can't seem to function without the stupid things in their hands. And the teens even text while driving.
