Friday, July 23, 2010


Dr. James Dobson said, “The average child can survive the average number of mistakes made by the average parent.”

The definition of average is-

1. Approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value
2. Lacking special distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered
3. So, basically, in my language, average means normal or common

Average child?

Average # of mistakes?

Average parent?

So, are my children average? Is my parenting style average? Do I make too many mistakes? Will my children survive?

Yes, I think my kiddos will survive, but I think this quote was meant to comfort parents and allow us to relax from our usual over analysis of our parenting techniques Yet I find myself wondering if my children or I are "average" or "normal?"

It drives me crazy when other parents or doctors tell you that your child is not normal or isn't "average." Where is the definition of an "average child?" Please give me the manual that tells parents at what exact age your child will walk, talk or learn their abc's.

How can we compare children against each other and think one is better than the other?

In my opinion, my children are not average! Each one is unique, special and amazing! I adore everyone of their unique features and personality traits! My oldest child is bossy and loud, my middle daughter is demanding and competitive, and my baby, well, he's just perfect so far. But I love them all the same! Not one of them is "normal" or "average" in my opinion!

I found this poem which tells me that I don't want my children to be "Average"...

The Average Child
by Mike Buscemi

I don’t cause teachers trouble;
My grades have been okay.
I listen in my classes.
I’m in school every day.

My teachers think I’m average;
My parents think so too.
I wish I didn’t know that, though;
There’s lots I’d like to do.

I’d like to build a rocket;
I read a book on how.
Or start a stamp collection…
But no use trying now.

’Cause, since I found I’m average,
I’m smart enough you see
To know there’s nothing special
I should expect of me.

I hope my kids always know that they are not just average to me, but that they are loved and very special! I want them to stand out in the world and stand up for what is right! Not just blend in with the crowd!


  1. since we're in the freak show category (having 7 children is neither avg. nor normal), I suppose I do find the comment somewhat comforting in an odd way. haha But yes, I do find the averages and percentiles irritating. My children have been at the high end, low end, and smack in the middle. They all have their own normal and I can't umagine wanting them all the same!
