Monday, November 8, 2010

Not much happening...

Hey there blogger friends. I feel like I've been missing in action lately! I've been so busy with things at home and with family that I've neglected to sit and write something down on here! I've also been laking for inspiration and I can't seem to think of something to write that's of any importance... hence I sit here babbling on...

Any who... I am sitting here with my laptop in my lap typing while my 3 year old styles my hair. It's her new fascination. I think it's her attempt to make me look pretty! ;-) The girls also recently saw me get a hair cut so anything to do with hair styling has been a huge hit!

After I typed that, I decided to snap some photos of the girls and I with the webcam...

Bailee has her princess blow dryer and Mia has the curling iron. They're attempting the impossible... make Mama's hair look nice with toys!

(I told you I don't have anything of importance to say.)

Jack is at a new stage of frustration... he wants so badly to get from point A to point B but is stuck at point A! AKA... crawling! He has that look in his eyes like he wants to go so badly, but when he tries he just ends up frustrated and crying. I know it won't be long now and I'm in NO hurry!

Well, that's it for today. Not much, but thought I would say hi! :0)

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