Thursday, June 17, 2010

Creature of Habit!

Okay, so here's my dilemma... I LOVE Wal-Mart! Actually I think I visit Wal-Mart obsessively because it is the ultimate place for parents with little children to shop! Everything I need under one roof! That means ONE stop, ONE time out of car seats, ONE trip in, and ONE trip home! When I have lots of energy and patience, I will pack the kids up and make a routine trip to Wally-World and stock up on the usual things; soap, bananas, milk, chocolate, diapers, etc...

So, what's my problem you ask? Our local Wal-Mart is REMODELING!!! Yes, you heard me right! Usually that's a good thing, but not for a busy mom of 3 kids! I expect to go into Wal-Mart with my cart full of children and be able to locate every item on my list within a reasonable amount of time! After all, each child has a very short attention span for shopping! They are crammed into a cart (usually with things piled on top of them) and not allowed to run! Even with snacks, toys and lollipops, every toddler has their limits!

Because the store near us has been remodeling, EVERYTHING in the store is a mess and has been relocated to another area! You can't even push your cart through the aisles because they have crammed everything together to re-do one section at a time! If you want shoes, try the lawn and garden department... if you want diapers, try the ketchup aisle... if you want clothing, try outside! (they actually had clothing racks on the outside sidewalk!) I might sound a little extreme, but it was very frustrating!

I was trying to find where the little girl's pajamas were and so I asked a nice lady with a blue vest on, if she would be able to help me, and she replied, "I'm sorry I don't know where that is because they moved everything around again last night!" What??? The employees don't even know where to find things! UGH!!!

Lets just say that after circling the store a few times and not finding everything I needed, my patience was gone and I was going home. So, after standing in line and paying for the few items I located on my list, I put the kids back in the van and went home exhausted! I like Wal-Mart because I know where everything is like the back of my hand, but I think it will be a few months before I go back! What can I say? I'm a creature of habit!

1 comment:

  1. isn't there another 1 you could try for a while? Augusta? lol
